Expressing the Heart of the Healing Professions
At Ottawa’s Shenkman Arts Centre, June 2012
The Cauduceus Project, a community engaged art project which expresses the heart of the healing professions, is exhibiting at Ottawa’s Shenkman Arts Centre this June. This mixed media (metal & ceramic) sculpture which represents the symbol of healing was compiled from individual pieces created in 2011 by several hundred staff, trainees, & faculty from Dalhousie’s Faculties of Medicine & the Health Professions, and patients and their families.
Participants created their pieces in response to the question “What brought your heart to work in healthcare?”
The aluminum wings, created by Psychiatry residents, fellows, and attendings, express their understanding of the patient’s experience matched by a corresponding feather on the opposite wing reflecting their own perspective as healer, clinician.
Those working and studying in the health professions engraved raw clay with words + images that held meaning for them about knowledge and these make up the staff of Caduceus. The organic ceramic forms dispersed throughout the background represent wisdom experienced through practice.
The mini copper feathers rimming the aluminum wings are reflections on “What is spirit=soul?” and “What has helped you in your healing?”, contributed to by patients, families, staff, clinicians, and students.
The Caduceus Project was conceived and facilitated by Miro Davis, an Artist-in-Residence working with Dalhousie University’s Humanities-HEALS Program, Division of Medical Education, oriented to Healing & Education through the Arts and Life-Skills.
The project was funded by the Robert Pope Foundation.